La gran estafa, el proyecto Bit Acelerate y el sr Rosi.

La gran estafa, el proyecto Bit Acelerate y el sr Rosi.

Estas eran sus páginas web.

Estas fueron mis perdidas, en el proyecto.

Monitor your BitAccelerate portfolio investment here.

🚴 Progress: 101.95% of 350%

🏦 Total capital: 254.00 USD (🔱 VIP)

Daily Earnings
🏆 Daily earnings: 5.08 USD
🔆 Daily earnings interest ~ 2%

Portfolio Earnings
❤️ Current earnings: 45.72 USD
💵 Withdrawals: 0.00 USD

Target portfolio amount (350%):
💰 Total earned: 258.96
🎯 Target amount: 889.03 USD

Por eso denuncio a este sr, qye es un gran estafadores, se abstengan de hacer negocios con el.

Este sr Rosi, era el encargado conocía a su creador, y se llevaron miles de dólares a sus arcas.


Quien sepa el nombre verdadero, favor enviármelo o escribirlo en comentarios.

Eliminando suelos de muchos inversionistas, como yo. Que tenian apuros económicos, y como no teniamos de donde sostenermos por la pandemia, buscabamos proyectos seguros, donde invertir.

Y a más de 20.000 personas nos pareció viable.

Esta fue la última comunicación de oírte del proyecto.

📣 [Announcement]: 11-11-2020

Good day Accelerator,

The community is currently experiencing major issues with re-indexing and re-syncing the 3 of our main node wallets during our infrastructure upgrades' attempts. As we mentioned during last week's announcement, we experienced node syncing issues that require re-indexing using our 'snapshot' images from our backups.

These issues are common with the bitcoin node, especially during re-syncing. These issues caused many delays from the community's random members, and the main wallet affected includes the core community members who are not receiving their deposited bitcoins to BitAccelerate wallet. Also, withdrawals are affected by the un-synced block headers of the node.

We all know that this leads to the community's disappointment and dissatisfaction. Sh** always happens when you least expect it. As simple as that. But BitAccelerate and the community will do its best to bring back this satisfaction to the community and bring back the community's normal operations.

Stay tuned for further announcements regarding the status of our affected main node wallets.

Also, to clarify things with the internal community person-in-charge, Aran Saeteng, the lead developer and co-author of this project, attempted to buy-out the whole project. The 'community chairman-in-charge.' with the old project was not happy with the current concept of giving back to the people. 

That is why many political 'corporate-like' issues were happening during the implementation attempt of the BitAccelerate 2.0 (CIP chapter). will now operate under the original author with lead developer Aran Saeteng. Also, don't be persuaded by some members/people taking advantage of the situation right now. It is common for people to look for another 'basket', and the community understands that.

 BitAccelerate helped many people during its startup days of 2019. This time, our great platform NEEDS you. Our great platform needs the community's patience and cooperation of its members.

 It's time to give back to the community. This time, the community needs time, love, and patience from its people because during this pandemic, BitAccelerate, a.k.a. the 'robin hood' served us, the community. It's time that the community should help boost the morale and spread love across our people that BitAccelerate will survive its first major challenge.
